

Wetlands Delineation & Permit Consultation

Hudson Valley Wetlands Delineation & Local Land Use Permit Consultation

Wetlands Delineation & Local Land Use Permits can be paramount and a priority in any project here in the Hudson Valley.

State wetland protection laws promulgated in the 1960s and 1970s set forth a need for professionals to accurately define the limits of wetlands throughout the United States. Since the 1980s, Wetland delineation in New York has been determined by Federal agencies using a three-parameter method finding “positive indicators” of: hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soils, and wetland hydrology. Many Towns have adopted their own local ordinances concerning wetlands, as well. A site can be designated a Federal, State or local wetlands, or up to all three. Some towns require wetlands to be delineated before advancing a base plan. Since 2004, Joshua Tree, Inc. has been certified to delineate wetlands all over the Hudson Valley.


Tree Identification

Project applications may require tree identification and tagging, as well as base plan location and charting. Joshua Tree, Inc.’s foresters can identify species accurately, efficiently, and cost effectively.

Tree Plans

Many towns not only require identification but also a report on forest condition and potential impact to residual stands after project completion. Joshua Tree, Inc. is a results-oriented firm that can provide full service consulting.

Permit Representation

Joshua Tree, Inc. has obtained and/or consulted on hundreds of special use permits for sub-division approvals, timber harvesting approvals, mining approvals and building permits in some of the most restrictive Hudson Valley towns.

Make an appointment for a no cost consultation with Josh